Cinnabon w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneCinnabon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1122 Green Acres Mall #71, Valley Stream, NY 11581, США
kontakt telefon: +1 516-561-9887
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6624591, Longitude: -73.7192917

komentarze 5

  • Arnold Battle

    Arnold Battle



  • en

    Liv Loxx


    These people are always trying to sell you the cinnabon's in a box. First of all they look horrible. The frosting looks like a little kid played in it, and they look dry as hell. It's almost as if they get upset if you don't want to purchase the freshly made buns. One time the girl at the register said they don't even make bake them on the spot anymore, they just warm up the ones in the box. Again trying to make me purchase the prepackaged cinnabons; like are you freaking kidding me! I am done with Cinnabon!

  • en

    Geff Gruber


    The guy at the register was a real pos I asked for 4 fresh cinnebons b.c I didn't want the old ones that have been sitting said he couldn't give me the deal I looked at him and was like what? Just take 4 of them in a bulk box and I'll box them. He said no so I said goodbye and u lose my business. So greedy

  • en

    Billz Millz


    I wish i can give them a 0 star but there is no option. I went to this location on 07/10/2017 and the girl (cashier) that was working there was very rude and she refused to give me the order i placed. Will never go back!!! Bad serivce!!!

  • Doe Robles

    Doe Robles


    Love Cinnabon. Smells so good at this place. Clean, friendly and service is always with a smile.

najbliższy Piekarnia

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