Church's Chicken w Kansas City

Stany ZjednoczoneChurch's Chicken



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2515, East 12th Street, 64127, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 816-483-9257
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.0986064, Longitude: -94.5517849

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sasha Clay


    The manager (4/15/2018) requested that I dig in my kitchen trash to retrieve the dry food they gave me in drive-thru and return it for replacement. I just wanted my order replaced.

  • en

    michael jackson


    I enjoy Church's Chicken a peppers hot chicken everything that they have I think churches is a good place I've been eating it all my life I'm going to continue to eat it so will that help you because I think that chicken place is one of the best

  • en

    Calvin Barnes


    Last time there at the drive through the lady wouldn't let us make but one order also the order I wanted I didn't get,smells like a scene out of the Truman's show,Y'all need to cut-it...LOL

  • en

    Shalea Johnson


    DO NOT EAT AT THIS LOCATION! staff has VERY poor customer service. The older black woman with harriet tubman/Ms. Celie cornrows was out of this world disrespectful. I have never been treated and met with such blantant disrespect and negativity. I ordered my daughter and I some food in the drive thru. Got home and my daughter didnt have her bombers. We drove back to the location and Ms. Celie says "I put those bombers in the bag myself" said with MUCH attitude and eye rolling. I reply "so basically what you're saying is that Im lying?" Her reply was astonishing! She responds with "yes thats exactly what Im saying" from there of course things got heated. As a citizen of this community I can say when businesses hire people with trashy hoodrat character it further depreciates the value and reputation of the area. There are people in this community such as myself that work everyday. We ALL have good and bad days but the key is to continue your day with professionalism and some positivity. To be treated this way right here in my own community by a hoodrat whose entire financial life is dependant upon the paying customers of this neighborhood is UNACCEPTABLE!

  • John Miles

    John Miles


    In an out quick, not too busy and the staff were courteous and very helpful. They made sure we had what we wanted and didn't pressure us into any unwanted purchases. Very easy to get in and out of the parking lot, which has wheelchair accessible parking and wheelchairs can get in and out of the restaurant easily. The place was clean and well maintained. A must visit if you're in the area and easy to spot from traffic.

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