Church of Jesus w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneChurch of Jesus



🕗 godziny otwarcia

30, Glen Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-652-3339
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9720123, Longitude: -74.0825752

komentarze 5

  • Betsy Cruz

    Betsy Cruz


    Please be mindful of the types of representatives you send outside to recruit people. I have had friends of many different religions and I have never encountered someone as condescending as the person I met at Koreatown. We were having a good conversation until she called my habits fake because I did not "find" Jesus. I do believe in Jesus and just because I do not label the religion I follow does not make my actions fake. She kept giggling right in front of me and mimicked, "oh so moral." I am sure there are good people at your church. I truly am. And I respect your beliefs. But please have a training program in place and keep watch of your representatives because that encounter irked me from attending the bible study and that could reflect poorly on the church, having someone like that outside.

  • Dustin Helms

    Dustin Helms


    Best place on Earth. No better place to hear the words of life, to find out who you are, where you are going and the truth. Want to know God? His name is Jesus (you’ll hear the non-anglicized version Yeshua used often here) and Church of Jesus is THE place to meet Him. Services are in English, Chinese, Spanish and Korean

  • en



    It's the most holy place that my spirit can be so alive

  • Kate Choi

    Kate Choi


    COJ truly teaches the truth and only the truth and not false teachings. We are reminded by our pastors to live for the salvation of our souls, not for the world or our flesh. I'm so honored to be a member of COJ

  • en

    Paul Xu


    God called us to be in unity with our brothers and sisters, so that we may become one body in Christ. We are not called to judge. We are called to pray. We are called to respect people's free will. We are called to love everyone, even our enemies. We are called to learn humility and get rid of spiritual pride.

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