Chuck the Mechanic w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneChuck the Mechanic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4900, North Interstate 35 Frontage Road, 78751, Austin, Travis County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 512-468-4002
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.3078603, Longitude: -97.7122663

komentarze 5

  • An Vu

    An Vu


    I was referred by a friend at work and Chuck is very nice on the phone. Took my Mercedes to his shop and he greeted and connect the diagnostic machine to my car to show me what the error codes were. Although he wasn't able to provide the service but recommend what the steps must be done. He is being very honest and up front about the issue that I have with my car. You don't find this type of mechanic any more. Thank you Chuck for his prompted service.

  • D Michael Ringler

    D Michael Ringler


    Chuck is the mechanic of a dear friend of mine. He specializes in Mercedes repair and restoration. Recently my friend's Mercedes wagon was stolen, Chuck did all repairs and dealt with insurance and got the car out quicker than expected

  • Law Office of David D. White, PLLC

    Law Office of David D. White, PLLC


    We won't take my wife's Mercedes (his specialty) anywhere else. If you own one, you need to be coming here for maintenance. No question. He is honest. He has actually turned down my money before, insisting there was no charge for the work he had done. He is very patient with my wife (she once called him at least 5 times on his cell while looking for his new shop). He is reliable. He has squeezed us in within the hour before we had to leave town, when he had originally quoted the following week. My wife will take her car nowhere else because she trusts Chuck isn't giving her the run around, and I do too. Awesome guy. Awesome business.

  • en

    John White


    Best Mercedes Mechanic in Texas! Chuck is very dependable and truly cares about his customers beyond the work performed at the shop. Trustworthy car mechanics are hard to find these days so I am very pleased I was able to locate Chuck for my repairs. Thanks for all you do Chuck and keep up the good work!

  • Elmer Chen

    Elmer Chen


    Chuck has been my mechanic for the past few years. He is always available by phone and very upfront about everything. He takes a personal interest in making sure my vehicles are reliable. James is one of Chuck's mechanics and VERY helpful and fast with his work as well. These guys are a hidden gem in Austin, with great prices to boot.

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