Chuck E. Cheese's w Oklahoma City

Stany ZjednoczoneChuck E. Cheese's



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6817, Northwest Expressway, 73132, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 405-728-1622
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.557209, Longitude: -97.634958

komentarze 5

  • jason reed

    jason reed


    Very wonderful visit, staff very friendly and accommodating.... pizza buffet was fantastic, and of course our son enjoyed playing games for 2.5 hrs! Very aware staff also... very kid safe environment.... I feel this is a magnificent place to come with your children, and of course the kid in all of us has fun too.

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    Ashley M


    Birthday Party. My kiddo had a blast. The staff, my helper was great and there everytime I needed something

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    Elvis Velez


    Great new management wow been coming here for 8 years by far this is the best management and staff in the last eight year. Recommended the bone in chicken wings why not splurge while the kids play

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    Victoria Adams


    My kids have a lot of fun every time we visit. We love that with a coupon from their website we can pay $20 even. No tax. And get 100 tokens. We give the kids 35 each and we take 15 each. All of g get at their games cost 1 token. We usually spend about an hour and a half there. I gave it 3 be a use the food just isn't very good.

  • Lauren McCaffrey

    Lauren McCaffrey


    Was a Blast for the kids (& adults 😄) but the pizza was Extremely greasy & of course it's overpriced. But the new "non-coin" game play is nice & simple but sadly some of the older "ticket giving" games seem to have gotten less "loose" so it wasn't nearly as generous as in the years past. I have to give high praise to the youthful staff & say they were awesome, very kind & attentive. They have some newer "photo taking" machines in addition to the older "sketch" picture art one that are Really Neat & even one that printed out on a 'Credit Card/ID style' plastic memento card with some cute themes. Over all it's great, minus the food & stingy ticket giving.

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