Christina M. Panzarella, P.C. w Oceanside

Stany ZjednoczoneChristina M. Panzarella, P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2893, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-442-7272
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6406481, Longitude: -73.6397028

komentarze 5

  • en

    Alex Simicic


    I have had the pleasure of using Christinas' services a number of times in the last few years, and have been very pleased with her professionalism and attention to detail. You won't find better representation anywhere.

  • Juan Vides

    Juan Vides


    I worked with Christina Panzarrella. She one the most professional lawyer I have worked. I recommend her all the times to my friends.

  • en

    Timothy Terrell


    I had the good fortune to find Christina via online searches for Estate Lawyers. As soon as we met I knew we'd be working together. Christina and her crew are warm and welcoming and able to assist in all details of your estate planning. I would gladly recommend her and her team to all!

  • en

    John Cipriano


    She's very thorough, meticulous, and I'm very impressed. I've since used her again for another legal matter and again, I'm very pleased. Although I do not have her on retainer, I do consider her my attorney.

  • en

    Dean Theodore


    Christina M. Panzarela, P.C. helped us with the sale and purchase of our homes. Christina Sammartino was our attorney, and my wife and I are very happy with the service we received. Christina was very thorough in explanation of the contracts, the forms we signed at closings, etc. She had a great sense of urgency, all calls were either answered straight away or returned before the close of business, and she went to bat for us expediently when we needed extra help. We couldn't have done it without them.

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