Christina Estler Salon en Sea Cliff

Estados UnidosChristina Estler Salon


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324, Sea Cliff Avenue, 11579, Sea Cliff, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-674-6723
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8494072, Longitude: -73.6483761

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  • D. Jennifer Dawson

    D. Jennifer Dawson


    Before Christina McLaughlin opened her upbeat and uniquely styled hair salon on the main street of Sea Cliff, she kept a busy and vivacious salon in Manhattan. Like so many talented professional women who balance work and family, Christina chose to relocate her salon closer to home and, with her saavy and sharp eye, keeps both her salon and tonsorial stylings fresh, classic, and up to date. Besides being a personable gal, she actually listens to what you would like your hair to be doing. She offers herself professionally and personally, and I have yet to see a bad haircut come out of her shop. (Wabi Sabi offers bridal and bridal party hair styling both in the salon and on-site.) The salon itself is small, clean, witty and nicely appointed. The attention you receive is all yours - this salon is not a haircutting mill or a place for a quick lop off the top. Go. Make yourself comfortable. You will leave leave knowing you are sporting one great haircut from Wabi Sabi Salon. (NOTE: My hair is thick, wavy and has a mind of its own. Christina has cut my hair several times in the past three years and I have been more than happy with the results and related grow-out.)

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