Chris Choe Dentistry, PLLC en New York

Estados UnidosChris Choe Dentistry, PLLC


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2426, Eastchester Road, 10469, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-325-3250
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Latitude: 40.861885, Longitude: -73.8427751

comentarios 5

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    Cidney Schultz


    I have been a patient of Dr. Choe ever since he opened the office many years ago. He has taken good care of my teeth, I even had whitening done and paid out of pocket. I went there initially because another dentist told me I needed a root canal, it has been several years now and I still never had to get the root canal. Dr. Choe is courteous, honest, professional and warm. I recommend this dentist very highly, and I am in the health care business.

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    J Torres


    Good experience! Dr. Choe is a skilled dentist and trustworthy. His staff is nice and professional. Office is clean.

  • Corell McDonald

    Corell McDonald


    Patients beware!!! The staff at the front desk have know knowledge of the insurance plans.They are giving false information about your insurance and the procedures they are doing so they can collect co-pays from patient like "the dentistry is not in network with your insurance" and they will not refund you just make up another excuse to keep your money. Beware when you have a co-pay call you insurance and check out what they are saying before you complete your visit. And by the way the five star reviews on here are from the front desk staff. I wish I listened to yelp and other people when they told me about this place. Will never be back!!!

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    Sarah K


    I had an emergency root canal done last week and dr choe was able to see me on the same day that I called. He has very light hands and the procedure was not painful. I got a crown too and it fits well. He is an excellent dentist. I recommend him to all my friends and family.

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    Maria T


    I've been going to Dr. Choe's office for the past year. I have a fear of dentists, but Dr. Choe is very gentle and highly qualified. The staff could be friendlier but they are still professional. All that matters is that Dr. Choe is highly competent and I trust him implicitly.

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