Choi Jin-Soo w Palisades Park

Stany ZjednoczoneChoi Jin-Soo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

460, Bergen Boulevard, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-592-1377
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8457992, Longitude: -73.9853068

komentarze 5

  • en

    serendipity ny


    They made a mistake putting my gender as a male instead of female. So after getting my green card with wrong gender, I filed another green card to fix it and did biometrics twice. Also when I filled out i-90 form to correct my gender for the second green card , they again put several incorrect information(e.g. uscis address, who made a mistake, etc).So I let them know to read instruction explaining every single point (This is not only my issue, I worried about their careless work for other clients). I doubted if they couldn't read English or they didn't really take about their clients issues very seriously. Finally he said just leave America with my special case as if my case is annoying (he gave me anxiety with uncertain info that he didn't know too), but it turned out to be wrong, consulting with several American lawyers that I didn't have to leave America... very irresponsible..

  • en



    They really listen to you carefully and they have an excellent bilingual skills. I received honest responses with regards to what he can help with, and he was forthcoming with information for those actions I can take myself. He seems trustworthy and I won't hesitate to remember them should I need any assistance. In fact my first reaction after the call is to write a quick review about my experience, a small way of saying thanks. My experience with this attorney has been nothing short of outstanding. I highly recommend this attorney to anyone looking for highly qualified immigration assistance. 1

  • ko

    james kim


    최진수 변호사님 사무실에 취업비자와 취업이민을 의뢰 했었어요. 나름 어려운 케이스라 보충서류가 두번 나왔었는데 추가 비용 없이 해주셨습니다. 친절하시고 경험이 많아 저에게는 참 다행이었습니다. 제가 전화를 좀 자주 걸어서 번거로웠을 텐데 변호사님이나 사무장님 내색 안하시고 끝까지 친절하게 해 주셔서 고마웠어요. 소개 받고 갔었고 제 가족 일도 잘되서 두 분정도 소개 시켜 드렸습니다. 두분다 다 잘되서 감사하다는 말 들었어요. 답답한일 있으시면 가셔서 상담한번 해 보세요.

  • Kelly Emily

    Kelly Emily


    Great experience!! Great staff!! Very personal and caring!! Thanks so much!!. I had a difficult situation which I had no idea how to resolve. I came here hoping for a solution and not only did I receive it but I also received the peace of mind of knowing that someone who cares about me is representing me.

  • ko

    David Yoon


    최대한 서둘러야한다면서 extra로 돈을 더 달라고 하셨으면서, 결국 case가 실패하자 다른 핑계를 대시네요. 결국 21세가 넘어 영주권 신청을 못하게 되었어요. 늦게 간것도 아니고. 책임감도 없으시고, 다른 방법을 제시하지도 않으셨어서 매우 불만족스러웠습니다.

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