Chocolate & Balloons Galore w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChocolate & Balloons Galore



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1398, Forest Avenue, 10302, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-698-2112
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6250467, Longitude: -74.1354761

komentarze 5

  • en

    Adriana Pinzon


    I purchased 3 chocolate high heel shoes filled with chocolate covered strawberries for Mother’s Day , mom and grandmothers loved it ! Great present ideas, chocolates are sooo yummy !

  • Steve Calogera

    Steve Calogera


    Amazing job and great service. The centerpieces Christina and her staff made for my son's christening were all everybody could talk about!

  • en

    Annette Narducci


    I LOVE this place!! They do outstanding work and their customer service is exemplary. Christina is so talented! The centerpieces she makes are stunning. The pretzels, fudge and fruit? To die for. This is the place to go, no matter how big or small your function is. Never cease to amaze me! I won't use anyone else ever again. What a pleasure to work with.

  • en

    Beth Szaroleta


    All I can say is OMG. I found a great place. The best chocolates, pretzels, candies or just about anything. The candy is so fresh and not skimpy at all. The chocolate covered marshmallow pops are my favorite with a real thick layer of chocolate. I go there all the time and there’s so much to choose from I never know what to get. I just tried a chocolate covered Twinkie and It was so delicious. The owner is so incredibly sweet and very helpful with any orders I have or items I need. I highly recommend Chocolate and Balloons Galore and the prices are very reasonable. Beautiful store, great service and pleasant to deal with who could ask for more. My new favorite place 😊

  • en

    Michelle Kelly


    Hopped off the bus from work in front of this new chocolate shop & had to stop in for an after work/commute pick me up. What a quaint and cozy sweet shop. Jars loaded with candies of yesterday and today. I bought some chocolate covered pretzels (Oreo crumb dipped) and some truffles. The owner was preparing for St. Patricks day & Easter. She is so delightful, helpful & kind.I wish there were more store owners like her. There is more than just chocolate here, there are balloons too!!! All I can say is I thank all the gods, pagan & plastic for this shop & will be stopping in on a regular basis...

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