Chipotle Mexican Grill w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneChipotle Mexican Grill



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3900, Hillsboro Pike, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-292-9199
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.1054071, Longitude: -86.8127048

komentarze 5

  • Erin Johnson

    Erin Johnson


    This location used to be decent but has gone downhill. The food when they have it is pretty basic. They are constantly out of things due to lack of prep. The staff are usually mentally checked out and don't want to hear or don't care what you have to say. Avoid this location.

  • LaJoia Moore

    LaJoia Moore


    I have really tried to give this location a chance because it is so close, but the service is TERRIBLE. I stopped going into the store a couple months ago because there are so many kids that work there, It's dirty, and unprofessional. The children play around a lot with each other instead of helping customers. They are very unprofessional when serving food and don't seem to have been trained on how to prepare the food. A couple weeks ago, I placed an online order because I didn't want the hassle going into the store. WRONG! I've placed 3 online orders since then. They've all been wrong, late, and cold. Today was the last straw. They aren't getting my money anymore.

  • Todd Burwell

    Todd Burwell


    I absolutely used to love this chipotle. Management was great and service excellent. Over the serveral months they have gone completely downhill. They are constantly out of things and employees are rude and don’t care. All I want is consistency and I cannot get it here anymore. Very sad 😔

  • Amir Alam

    Amir Alam


    Worst Chipotle experience ever. This Chipotle was a bit smaller than other Chipotle's I've been to. Anyway, the lady that was giving me my rice and beans barely filled the container up. And the guy that was dealing with my vegetables was acting weird to me... The cashier lady was cool tho. When I went to get my drink, a panhandler woman approached me. It was the weirdest experience of my life... She asked me for $20 to buy some bread at Kroger. I told her I didn't have any cash on me. She went away and sat down at one of the tables, eating Chipotle. I think if she didn't spend $7.10 on Chipotle she could have bought at least two loaves of bread at Kroger... But yeah, I feel like even if I told one of the people working there about the panhandler, they wouldn't have done anything about it. And on the receipt, there was no section for giving feedback, which I didn't like. So I have to resort to Google Reviews. I loved the outside section of that Chipotle tho, I'll give them that.

  • en

    Ryan Banham


    The fast casual dining situation is growing on me. No hiding behind menus like a traditional restaurant which lends to a more social feel. The ingredients seem to be quality as they taut. I had a salad with barbacoa and it was just enough minus the excess carbs of the big tortilla. Several types of Tabasco are available too. The mild jalapeno is my jam and fixes about anything. I just wish they sold 10 packs of those huge tortillas for use at home or a party. That would be RAD!

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