Chipotle Mexican Grill w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneChipotle Mexican Grill



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1869, Plaudit Place, 40509, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-263-2611
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.0173951, Longitude: -84.4183958

komentarze 5

  • en

    greg allen


    This is one of my go to places. Healthy option when you want something quick and easy. Usually generous with the portions, however every now and then there will be an employee who is a bit on the stingy side and skimp on the serving. Other than that, the ingredients are always fresh and I appreciate them at least trying to source some local food and having decent quality meats and vegetables. Guac is pretty tasty also.

  • Caitlyn Mason

    Caitlyn Mason


    I always enjoy eating Mexican food and chipotle is pretty good when I need a fix fast. I like the fresh ingredients and I can get my burrito exactly the way I want it. They also now have queso, which is good, but they are a little expensive for just a burrito.

  • en

    Christa Benson


    The food here was exactly what you would expect from a Chipotle. However, the staff had little idea about what they were doing and were not very friendly. While waiting for our food to finally be made, they ran out of chicken and the lady didn't have any idea what to do. The cook finally said, just come get another one! They also burnt some poor kid's quesadilla 3 times before finally figuring it out. But...the food was good.

  • Fabio Landi Colombo

    Fabio Landi Colombo


    Really flavoured Burrito, with good quality products. I ordered the spicy pepper and never thought that it would be so hot... but I liked. The Guaca is fantastic. I tried to find the salted nacho, but I was lucky that I didn't. I'll be back for sure!

  • Julia Householder

    Julia Householder


    Really awesome place to eat. Great margaritas, chip and salsa are the very best! Sometimes super busy between 6-8. Otherwise service speed rocks!

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