Chicago Pizzeria w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneChicago Pizzeria



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1704, Interstate 35 Frontage Road, 78208, San Antonio, Bexar County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 210-222-2200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.437586, Longitude: -98.469888

komentarze 5

  • Christopher Bendrell

    Christopher Bendrell


    Hard to fathom how a business like this can stay operational, given the legal requirement for periodic health inspections, horrendous reviews etc. One only need step foot in this establishment to become queasy. The space is dirty, the employees are incomprehensibly rude and the food doesn’t even deserve to be classified as edible by humans.

  • en

    Dale McDowell


    I ordered: spaghetti with garlic bread 2-liter Coca-cola cheesecake --- given numerous 1-star ratings, I was concerned the food would be horrible, but cheesecake is normally pre-made elsewhere and a good backup to get bad taste out. had to add on a 16-oz Dr. Pepper to meet delivery minimum. I received: spaghetti with garlic bread salad with ranch dressing 2-liter RC Cola cheesecake 16-oz Pepsi-cola I'd give this a higher rating, because the delivery was on time and the main course was decent, but it's hard to justify not getting the beverages right, and putting in items that weren't ordered, especially when many of the negative comments about this restaurant were that the orders were simply wrong.

  • john mamone

    john mamone


    This is absolutely the WORST pizza anywhere in the country, undeserving of even one star. Cheap canned sauce on a hard stale piece of flavorless room temperature bread, the cheese wasn't even fully melted, and the pepperoni is the lowest quality I've ever seen. The wings were small and most of the bones were broken, almost no sauce, and they were burnt like they were cooked in an oven. Whoever owns this place should be embarrassed, it's a disgrace to serve this "food" to people at all. Do not, under any circumstances buy anything from this place. Just, don't. You're better off hungry.

  • Tiffany George

    Tiffany George


    DO NOT ORDER FROM HERE!!!! We ordered online and they quoted us for 30 minutes. At an hour we called and the man said that our order was leaving in a minute. They are located 8 minutes from us. So after a total wait time of 1.5 hours + I called to find out where it is. The same man says it’s at the store. I said I need to cancel the order and we need to be refunded. He said oh wait never mind it’s on its way to be delivered. I said okay we still need it cancelled, we do not want the delivery and we want to be refunded. He then asked did you order from me or online? I said online. He said we need to contact the online company for a refund. I let him know that that is not how this works and that he is receiving payment for the pizza (verbally confirmed) and we need him to refund us. He refused to refund us.

  • Garrett Heaton

    Garrett Heaton


    We got a late night pepperoni, pineapple, and onion (my friend has weird tastes) but it was amazing! The pizza is definitely not like chain pizzas but it was great! We ordered on the phone late 2am and didn't have any problems.

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