Chelsea Nail & Spa en Croton-on-Hudson

Estados UnidosChelsea Nail & Spa


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54, Maple Street, 10520, Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-271-1313
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.2026261, Longitude: -73.8842845

comentarios 3

  • en

    Rose Santiago


    Moved to the area recently and went to the salon for the first time the Friday before Christmas. I called earlier in the day and was told no appointment was necessary. Arrived at 4pm for a pedicure and gel fill... I advised them what I needed done and waited almost an hour for the pedicure, although there was no one else waiting for a pedicure... two nail techs were sitting in the back and finally acknowledged me. Had my pedicure and was told they couldn't do my fill because by now the place was packed and they were turning everyone away. I have no intention of returning... they lack the most basic of customer service skills.

  • Mary Daly

    Mary Daly


  • Jen M

    Jen M


    I got a half leg wax. Admittedly, I hadn't waxed all winter and have very hairy legs. At the end, I was charged $55 dollars for a service they list as being $25. I was charged more than twice as much. I would love to have great things to say about this place, and would have. But I was charged more than twice the amount for the service. Maybe if this was discussed prior, that would be ok. But the way they did it is not ok. Had they done it differently, they would have had a repeat customer. So that extra 30$ they charged me today, is going to cost them at least hundreds they could have made through the summer. I tried resolving via phone

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