Chelsea Financial en New York

Estados UnidosChelsea Financial


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242, Main Street, 10307, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-967-8400
sitio web:
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Latitude: 40.509153, Longitude: -74.2471719

comentarios 3

  • en

    Jon Babicz


    These guys are scam artists....don’t invest a dime with these guys. Total investment lost and they still keep trying to charge fees.

  • en

    Patrick Doran


    The experience that I had with Chelsea Financial is one that would keep anyone from ever investing a single dime with this scam organization. The initial investment of $2,000 was made with Chelsea Financial and in a very short time, the "sure thing" stock that I purchased lost 50% of its value. The Chelsea agent recommended that I change my investment with the remaining 50% of value to another stock that he conveyed to me had sure thing short term upside of 300%. I did, and when I complained that that new stock was falling sharply, shortly afterward, he agreed to reimburse the $95 fee that I was charged for the stock transfer. Well, it did not take long for that stock to go to worthless paper.. I spoke with the owner of the company about 2 months ago about honoring the company's promise to me to reimburse the $95 and he related that the agent that I worked with had left the company and unless I had a written document specifying same, he was not willing to honor the promise. The company is either very bad at what it does or not reputable, or both. But I am certain of one thing, the company lacks any base level of integrity. Beware of any interaction with Chelsea may experience the same fate as I experienced with them.

  • Moe Thanks

    Moe Thanks


    I used these guys for an application and was approved in 2 days.

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