Chelli & Bush en New York

Estados UnidosChelli & Bush



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149, New Dorp Lane, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-987-8444
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.5736805, Longitude: -74.1152572

comentarios 5

  • NoniMama 329

    NoniMama 329


    AWFUL AND UNPROFESSIONAL! Does not have periodic sit downs with you to update you about your case or keep u in the loop. They hang up on you. Get nasty with you. And insult you. Do not use them! Go find a real lawyer do not use them or u will regret it like I do. If I could give -10 stars I would!!

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    R D


    Attorney's at law. Angela, that firm would have died without your presence after the two founders retired. You should be a lawyer.

  • Valerie Kaufmann

    Valerie Kaufmann


    I was originally using a different attorney when my case first began 3 years ago. I was very unhappy with my representation when a friend of mine recommended I switch to Chelli and Bush ( Michael was recommended ). I went in that week and sat down with Michael and that day signed the papers to switch over. Since that day my case has gone smooth and successful. He has been there to answer any and all questions for me since day one. I have had to do little to no leg work for this case ( which in my life is a God send). I would recommend them to anyone. Not to mention my case has settled for exactly what we hoped for!

  • Joseph Szczesny

    Joseph Szczesny


    I wish to thank Chelli & Bush for their outstanding representation ! This litigation resulted in an award that was 25 times greater than the initial offer. I am fortunate to have had their guidance.. Again, THANK YOU to MR. Michael Bush

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    Victor Barbosa


    very good lawyers. They settled my case for a better amount then other firms told me my case was worth!

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