Cheema Law Firm | Immigration Lawyer Long Island en Uniondale

Estados UnidosCheema Law Firm | Immigration Lawyer Long Island



🕗 horarios

626, RXR Plaza, 11556, Uniondale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-882-6663
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7196603, Longitude: -73.5837717

comentarios 5

  • en

    ik ay


    Ms. Cheema and her team is outstanding and very knowledgeable. Each time i reached out to them, no matter how busy they are they take their time out to listen and advise you. They take your situation as their own and go deep into it. I highly recommend them! They know what they are doing as to some out there who rip you off for money.

  • en

    Dr. J


    Office is shared space with other firms/businesses. Her two or three employees arent very knowledgeable and the law firm seems to be of someone who recently passed the bar. More professionalism needed.

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    Kathy Burns-Fernandes


    We used Zahra’s services to get my spouse citizenship. She was so helpful in getting everything filed/processed and would highly recommend her services! We had some additional questions about getting our daughter an F1 visa and she gave us solid and sound advice.

  • S K

    S K


    Zahra has advised me on legal matters and helped me multiple times with clients who needed legal assistance, she gave them great consultations and helped them with their legal matters. She's very knowledgable about immigration and helping advocate for her clients.

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    Janet Guzman


    I was seeking an immigration firm for someone who was facing deportation. I retained the law firm of Cheema and Associates and in a matter of weeks I have seen the results of the work that Ms. Cheema has put into the case. From the first day I retained their services I have always been kept informed of the progress of the case. I would highly recommend this firm to anyone. They care about their clients.

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