Chase Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

754, Manor Road, 10314, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-697-0229
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.60897, Longitude: -74.121705

komentarze 5

  • en

    luis flores


    On Thursday 5/17/2018, I went to withdraw money from a Chase atm address 768 Manor Road SI, NY 10314. When trying to withdraw my funds the atm had a malfunction stating “we are unable to give cash now” however the machine still debited my money from my card as if it dispensed my funds to me. I spoke with the branch manager at this location Barbara Whelan, as well as her assistant manager Tiffany. During that time all Chase staff stayed since I was not a customer it was not their problem and I would have to “contact my financial institution” although it was a Chase error, chase machine and chase product I used to withdraw MY MONEY! Ten days later and a call to district manager Alfonso Hernandez, I am still without my money. I am a single mom of two small children with no help from family or friends. I needed that money to support our basic needs of living. I cannot believe and fathom the friendly extortion Chase provides to their “non customers” however I am a customer if I am using their machine and paying their fees in order to retrieve my own money. I hope this post helps non Chase customers understand how deplorable your policies are, how much of a hassle it is because of your machines errors and how my children and I had to frequent a food pantry this week so we could eat no thanks to Chase! I will make sure all my family and friends know, not to bank with Chase because of their poor policies and customer service instead of finding resolutions they created a much severe problem in my life. They will do the same for all of you also!

  • Yiddy Lemmer

    Yiddy Lemmer


    Long wait times, understaffed, and a bit rude!

  • Lino Dumani

    Lino Dumani


    The stuff on this branch it's very unprofessional, I have been here twice not happy at all... Never going back again.

  • Qasim Zia

    Qasim Zia


    Service is not so great in this location. The only time you get some attention is when they want to sell you something and when you say no, they treat you like crap.

  • georgina ortiz

    georgina ortiz


    Do not recommend speaking to customer service on the phone. Pretty rude and rushed me off when i coulda been directed to someone else that has time to answer my questions respectively

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