Chase Bank w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7265, South Eastern Avenue, 89119, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-564-1686
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.058026, Longitude: -115.118901

komentarze 5

  • en



    We have experienced Great Service with our Business Account at the Chase, Windmill Marketplace location. Meagan Wooley is our Expert Business Banker! Save time and call ahead to make an Appointment for Business Services since the Economy is doing so well! Give good A Attitude, Get Good Attitude back, always works for us!

  • Sayeh Sadegh

    Sayeh Sadegh


    Meagan Woolley is the most unprofessional banker I ever deal with. She is rude and ignorent and lack of her knowledge about her job made me totally think that she had no idea what she is doing. I been Customer of chase for 15 years and very happy with it but this branch is a joke and when I ask for manager number she said we don’t have one. I will get this matter to corporate as I never felt this insulted in my life.

  • Jigar Patel

    Jigar Patel


    no star option i will prefer..Manger amd all staff taking almost 2 hour to open the account. If you go by walkin they send you back and they said we dont have time.And one lady over there was free and easting chips..really ridiculous banking system in chase...never go...

  • Nick Zero

    Nick Zero


    Recently, I visited Chase to open up a Business Bank Account and I was attended with utmost professional attitude and perfection. Heidi D. made sure that all my queries were answered. She made me feel very comfortable and introduced me with the business account solution to best fit my business. I was really pleased to visit your bank and I feel I have made the right choice

  • Hal Choisser

    Hal Choisser


    If you need a banker here better make an appointment or theyll let you wait an hour without even letting you know when the next avlbl banker is...garbage

najbliższy Bank

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