Chase Bank i Riverhead

Forenede StaterChase Bank



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655, Old Country Road, 11901, Riverhead, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-727-7700
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.934557, Longitude: -72.665132

kommentar 3

  • en

    Melissa Riana


    Had an issue with a cash advance I ALWAYS did on my debit card being my bank is a military bank out of state as well as Chase. Chase informed me it was on usaa' s side I contacted them where they informed me they don't even see Chase trying to pull the money. I informed them of this but of course they couldnt admit they had no idea what they were doing... Chase did not even try to help me, matter of fact the woman had the audacity to say to me I might want to make sure I have the funds in the bank before I try to initiate a cash advance... excuse me? The cash advance was for $50 I have plenty in there (obviously dont keep any in and will continue to not keep any in this bank) who are you to even say that to someone? I would not have a job if I spoke like that to a customer horrible customer service I went to the other Chase on main street and got amazing help and customer service

  • Adam Bartholomew

    Adam Bartholomew


  • Johnny Conner

    Johnny Conner


    So far so good, friendly and hrlpful

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