Chase Bank en Detroit

Estados UnidosChase Bank



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611, Woodward Avenue, 48226, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 313-225-3774
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 42.3304404, Longitude: -83.0466258

comentarios 5

  • Adam Sabree

    Adam Sabree


    Good service at this branch and adequately staffed. Bedrock is doing a good job maintaining this old building.

  • Bhavishya Chandra

    Bhavishya Chandra


    Great service. Really nice staff.

  • en

    Ryan Hill


    1 teller 15 people. Before holidays. 2 managers sitting at desk doing nothing. 30 min to see if a client check was good.

  • en

    Tony Burry


    Came in here with my friend today to get a money order, thinking that money order would be cheaper of a fee then any other bank since we both had chase ... we ask for a 3k money order guess what for every 1k they charge a $5 Daller fee .... like relly this is how you want costumers to come and join chase $5 bucks for a money order that's just crazii when I asked why so much the teller behind the desk said we sorry but that's the fee ... for money orders well deamn next time I wount go to my bank for anything if I need something ... if I am gonna pay more what's the point thanks chase but I would deff not recommend chase to anyone ever again .

  • John Bolton

    John Bolton


    The downtown Lexington branch of Chase truly the only branch I feel welcome. I've probably been to every branch in Lexington, but I go downtown no more than any others. The tellers are friendly, the bankers remember your name, but the city's branches as a whole, you feel like cattle. As for phone customer service, I had to report a debit card stolen with unauthorized transactions. I am in absolutely no way a racist but the lady on the phone had such an Indian accent I demanded to speak to a supervisor. It made me feel terrible. With the extra fee's for the smallest transactions and poor customer service, I would NOT recommend Chase Bank.

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