Chase Bank en Palisades Park

Estados UnidosChase Bank



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460, Bergen Boulevard, 07650, Palisades Park, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-947-2372
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.845992, Longitude: -73.985305

comentarios 5

  • en

    charlie c


    I went today on jan. 13 , 2018. To make a withdrawl at their drive through teller window. I asked for a slip and an asian lady said sure. Then a blonde white lady comes to the window and said she could not complete my withdrawl because my account was overdrawn days ago for -4.81$ I had at the time 2,300$ AVAILABLE balance exactly. And wanted to withdraw it. The blonde white lady in her mid 40's was probably the manager. And I feel wronged by this lack of standard service. I was then given a "sorry" sarcastically, and pointed at going to an ATM . Avoid this palisade parks branch, how hilarious is it that I was told I cant withdrawl money from my checkings account because of a negative 4$ balance i had days ago that didnt even incur a overdraft fee because its under 5$. And was made positive days ago.

  • ko

    Yani Choi Lee


    ATM 으로 입출금이 간편하다 직원들이 친절하게 안내한다 입금이 안된다고 불평하는 경우가 있는데 그것은 은행의 각자 원하는 규칙이 있기 때문에 그 규정을 따르기 싫다면 해약하면 된다 나도 처음에는 본인이 아니면 캐쉬를 받지 않아서 불편했는데 지금은 그렇게 해야할 이유가 있다는 것을 이해하니 충분히 괜찮다

  • John Kim

    John Kim


    This location has friendly staff who are able speak Korean. However, if you are waiting to see a representative in the cubicle, the seats are very limited and waiting time can be very long (30+ minutes). I felt like people who came after me were called in before me. Very disorganized. I wish they had take-a-number system for waiting.

  • en

    Sn N


    One of Korean teller said that I could not deposit to my sister's account without her authorization even though I brought CASH. Manager told me same stories. There is no choice but deposit cash to her account thru TD BANK instead. Other banks don't need to get authorization to make a deposit. What the xxx!!

  • en

    YJ Y


    I would never come to this bank again. Waited and waited for a bank teller. People were waiting...but many workers there were just chatting rather trying to help customers. Friendly? Big No. I strongly do NOT recommand you to go here unless you have patients. Go to other Chase banks around.

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