Chase Bank w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



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3300, East Jefferson Avenue, 48207, Detroit, Wayne County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 313-567-0052
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.341594, Longitude: -83.013857

komentarze 5

  • brenda m

    brenda m


    Its was ok atm fees are way to high

  • dorothy moore

    dorothy moore


    Was helped by Shakir. Great customer service! I left my work device there and wasn't able to pick it up for a week. They made sure it was safely put away.

  • en

    Reala Manilla


    If I could give minus stars I would. You would not believe how incredibly "ghetto" and unprofessional the folks are at this Chase location. This includes Bankers, Managers, Assistant Managers. So I go into this bank one day to make a cash advance off of a US Bank card. There is a teller at this branch location who is thin, AA, with short "sista locks". Do you know she had the audacity to decline my transaction. When I asked her why, she said because you don't have enough in your Chase account to cover the transaction. I thought to myself, why would I need money in my Chase account to secure a cash advance on a US Bank Card? And if that wasn't BS enough, then she turned around and said "and because don't nobody know you"? I said to myself, what is she talking about? See this Chase is located in an area in downtown Detroit called "Harbor Town". For whatever it's worth, this is supposed to be one of the "nice" areas. What it really is, is an area greatly impacted by re-gentrification. Same damn dangerous ghetto, but now with more "white" folk. That combined with an occasional black judge and/or doctor and you have Detroit's best. And the lower level blacks, like this teller, are really starting to "feel" themselves. Again same dangerous ghetto, just now bearing the Harbor Town name. So I left Chase that day and thought to myself, Chase Banks sucks; everyone of them for a myriad of reasons, this event will just add to the list of 1,000,000 reasons why banks in general suck and Chase banks in specific need to just close down. I could not have been more embarrassed...for that Teller, that is. Because Black people have evolved to absolutely nothing in habit or thinking They are a culture of people that progressed from initially standardizing acceptance through skin tone, to now lace fronts, and "who you know"... Sad song. But typical of the uneducated, bottom of the barrel, Detroit Negro.

  • en

    Robert Scheffler


    Worst place ever always rap music playing workers are rude hate going there machines are always broken and they're always really really really slow been banking with Chase for years never had a problem until I come down here to this location

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    Let me start by saying this experience happened to me 4 or 5 years ago, hopefully the manager that treated me so poorly has since been canned, I don't know how anyone could keep their job treating customers the way I was. I didn't have internet access at the time, nor did I know anything about reviewing businesses, so that's why I'm just getting around to this... I went to the branch on Jefferson Ave. where they not only refused to cash a perfectly legitimate pay check from my employer, they basically accused me of fraud and forgery without any explanation as to how they determined this. Maybe because I was the only white person in the building? I hate to think that, but what else am I supposed to think when 10 people in line ahead of me have no problem, then I get up there and get hassled? Over a check I've been cashing for years? With no explanation, and when I demand to know his reason for refusing to cash my check he has me escorted out of the building? Ridiculous, I went to a Chase in Grosse Pointe and got my check cashed, a smile, and a have a nice day, THAT'S how you do it.

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