Chase Bank w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChase Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

305, 7th Avenue, 10001, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 212-462-4262
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.746625, Longitude: -73.9935341

komentarze 4

  • en

    Sean Raphael


    Multiple ATM's out of service on most recent visit. Building generally run down. I understand this is a high-volume area, but given the absurd monthly fees Chase charges for business checking accounts, they could at least re-paint the walls in the vestibule with the ATMs. I am moving all of my banking to credit unions – this nonsense with Chase must stop.

  • Devina O'B115

    Devina O'B115


    I work for an accounting dept. of a company that's located a block away from this bank. I visit this bank regularly to deposit my company's checks. Today (6.19.17) I went & was assisted by a teller named Shequena (or Shaquene?). She is an African-American young lady with braided hair. She just shoved my deposit receipt towards me & looked away after I politely said thank you to her... didn't say thank you back or even have a nice day. There's another teller there named Jesus & he's very friendly. Please Chase Bank train your employees well to be customer oriented.

  • en

    Matias Cuadra


    Worst service ever!

  • Isabel Lantigua

    Isabel Lantigua


    Listen, I never write reviews, but I'm so over the VP/Dennis. He is literally so rude and has thee worst attitude. Today was my second interaction with him and it was the second time he's given me horrible cust. service. All I wanted to know was why my acct. was being charged a monthly fee, so his solution was to switch me to another type of acct. that would charge me double! When I pointed that out to him, I guess he realized it was a dumb idea and basically shoved me out of his office without letting me get another word in. He said, "OK, if that's not what you want, then I can't help you. Bye. Have a nice day." Go to the one on 6th/18th. Wayyy nicer!!

najbliższy Bank

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