Chase Bank i Baldwin

Forenede StaterChase Bank



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1235, Grand Avenue, 11510, Baldwin, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-223-3685
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6801865, Longitude: -73.6143422

kommentar 5

  • Joyce Levins

    Joyce Levins


    The worst bank I have ever been to. Customer service is terrible. The drive-in is really not a drive-in for customers. 1teller runs back and forth to the drive in from inside. If there are cusomers inside, you can forget it. Inside customers get priority. I have waited 20 mins or more and no one comes. You can ring the bell as much as you please. One time she came and was annoyed that I rang the bell. She told me she was waiting on other customers. They should shut it down and stop calling it a drive in. I had to go to another chase to make my transaction. I hate this branch.

  • en

    William Monahan


    Fine people. Fine service.

  • Alexandra David

    Alexandra David


  • mohindar jagnarain

    mohindar jagnarain


    Fast and clean

  • Getulio C. dos Santos

    Getulio C. dos Santos


    Very clean and the people are very friendly and always willing to help you.

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