Chartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneChartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails



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15, East Kirby Street, 48202, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 313-818-3915
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3604233, Longitude: -83.0661388

komentarze 5

  • Clifford Brown Jr.

    Clifford Brown Jr.


    Everything my party had here was delicious, even the water!!! We will DEFINITELY be adding this to our "Must Do" list for Detroit and you should too. By the way, make a reservation if you can, especially if your party is larger than three or four people.

  • en

    Thomas Pate


    Excellent service and excellent food! You will not be disappointed with any dish. They have an excellent day ok selection as well....anything from wine to cocktails to beer to chartreuse which you MUST try if you go. We will definitely be back!!

  • Alex McMall

    Alex McMall


    Went there for a birthday dinner with parents (they're in their 50s). The service was superb and the food was absolutely amazing. Very good sized portions for a small plates style menu. Great choice for a meal before a show at Fisher Theatre, it's so close. Have to repeat that the service was amazing, very personal and attentive. Only lost 1 star based on the decor needing some more sophistication to better match the menu & service.

  • Chad Fuller

    Chad Fuller


    By far the best meal I have had. Hands down. The food is delicious and exciting. My wife and I took the in laws during restaurant week and couldn’t have asked for a better time. Wait staff was patient to explain dishes and attentive. $20 corkage fee is great if you want to bring a bottle of your own wine

  • Ailene deVries

    Ailene deVries


    Chartreuse Kitchen & Cocktails is one of my favourite restaurants I have ever been to. The food was creatively prepared and tasted incredibly delicious. Myself and the three individuals I was with all tried Chartreuse for the first time and loved it! Our server brought us complimentary testers to try the chartreuse on it's own and we were all super excited and impressed. In addition, I have a severe peanut allergy and I was greeted by who seemed to be the owner and assured that the food was peanut free. The menu I was given was labeled "peanut allergy" and items with nuts were circled so to let me know there were other nuts present within the restaurant - which meant a lot to me! We were treated with incredible service that stands above many of the experiences I have personally had. The environment was fun and professional and you can see some of the chefs hard at work in the kitchen. All in all, an amazing experience and incredible eats! Shout out to our amazing server, Rachel, who was super warm, friendly, kind, professional and put up with our rambunctiousness. Also, amazing prices for the quality of food and drink. I wish I could give more stars than 5. I cannot wait to go back!

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