Champignon Café w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneChampignon Café



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1389, Madison Avenue, 10029, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-987-1700
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7874877, Longitude: -73.9538016

komentarze 5

  • Susan Adriansen

    Susan Adriansen


    Not vegan friendly. Even the pasta primavera has butter. The $18 meza plate was the only thing vegan that's not a salad and it was miniscule with a hot salsa sauce. How is that a meza?

  • David Frank

    David Frank


    Great neighborhood spot for a quick bite to eat or some good coffee at a "reasonable" NYC price. Enjoy!

  • en

    K M


    If I could give 0 stars I would...I went today for the first time and had the a truly terrible customer service experience. I waited on line to purchase breakfast and the cashier kept abruptly leaving the register and when he would ask if anyone was ready (I was right there) he was just walk away. After two attempts he finally acknowledged I was there but was so rude I decided I did not want to purchase anything at the store. Instead I said "actually i have changed my mind" and he rudely snapped back and said "ok good leave". I am a friendly person that is very polite and was in complete shock with how I was treated and I would not recommend anyone go here.

  • John Baby

    John Baby


    I was stay by this cafe while my mother was at Mt Sinai for surgery. I'd get a Tiramisu Mocha, that was delicious every single time. Can't go wrong with anything on their menu from breakfast to lunch. Staff members were always friendly. I remember one girl who greeted everyone with a smile and a friendly hello.

  • en

    Victor Madorsky


    Stepped by today to get something sweet for a home dinner. Chocolate mousse cake with few berries on top looked nice. I asked if inside is actually chocolate mousse? And get answer: Yes. Paid $7.25 +tax for the small cake. When I started eating it I realized it's mostly a cream inside, with a little bit of some kind of cheaply made gelatin. It tastes like "chocolate mousse" but it isn't. I will never go back. Very disappointed.

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