Centennial Park w Anchorage

Stany ZjednoczoneCentennial Park



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8400, Starview Drive, 99504, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 907-343-7529
strona internetowej: www.muni.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 61.2262466, Longitude: -149.7242261

komentarze 5

  • TDMstevo



    Beautiful park, but lots of homeless camps and litter on the trails.

  • en

    Kyle Anderson


    Great Park. Great park stewards. Well maintained, while still having trees and a outdoor feel.

  • en

    Anita Busby


    We camped here for three days and enjoyed it completely. The folks were all very helpful. O.T. even walked us around to find the best spot for us. Thank you all for your kindness.

  • Melissa Ackerlund

    Melissa Ackerlund


    Well maintained city campground park close to everything in Anchorage. Bass Pro, Regal movie theatre, restaurants, shopping & more. I'm traveling by RV frequently in the Anchorage area and will definitely stay here in the future

  • Jon Sund

    Jon Sund


    A gem in the making, but it is not there yet. The staff is extremely friendly and helpful and they keep the camp area very clean. Anchorage needs to make an investment in infrastructure to upgrade the bathrooms and provide information on their website that describes the site sizes and the electricity capacity. It is by far better than the parking lot campsites that are in Anchorage and still close to all the action.

najbliższy Park

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