Cellphone World w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneCellphone World



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1835, South Alvernon Way, 85711, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-719-7999
strona internetowej: www.cellphoneworldaz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.200732, Longitude: -110.908901

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kari Kendle


    This company and its employees are wonderful. I cracked the screen on my phone and they repaired it in a quick timeframe and at a good price. They are always my "go to" company for anything cell phone. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Marco Alvarez


    When there and they charge me a hole lot and my phone still don’t work ripoff not worth going there I wouldn’t even give the a star 👎

  • en

    Tiffany Coy


    9/2/2017 ****Update**** My husband went into the store today to get my phone fixed. They apologized several times for not reaching out and stated the screen took longer to come in than they thought. The new screen looks amazing. I do recommend this place as they did end up fixing my phone at a cheaper rate than any where else we called and it only took an hour. And bc they did apologize for not reaching out. I did not give 5 stars bc i think they should update their website and Google info with a number where people can actually reach out the them. I do not recommend this company. Even if they are cheaper, their customer service and they way they have handled my request so far is horrible. Went in to get a quote for fixing my,screen on my phone on Wednesday morning. Was quoted 75 and that they had to order a part which was from a local provider. Advised it would be in the next day and that they would call me when it comes in so I can bring my phone in. Reuqired to pay half of the cost of screen that was ordered,however they could not peovde an invoice for me to have a record of this order bc something was wrong with The system. The next day came and went with no phone call. Friday came and I called the number listed on their website and here on Google and it's a cell phone. Called 3 times. Left a message which was a generic message that you've reached a cell number. Also texted the number. It's not Friday night and I have not heard from anyone. I will be going into the store tomorrow so hopefully I can get some answers and get my phone fixed.. If the part has not arrived, That's fine, but at least reach out to me and let me know what's going on..or answer your phone..or return a message.

  • en

    Melissa Zazueta


    Great place to buy my phones, accessories. Friendly and helpful people.

  • en

    G Jefferson


    Guys gave me a great estimate, And fixed my phone withing two hours. Awesome staff and great prices on the items they offer. Highly recommend this place!

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