Cell2Get en New York

Estados UnidosCell2Get



🕗 horarios

1015, Southern Boulevard, 10459, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-513-3100
sitio web: www.cell2get.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.823245, Longitude: -73.8921453

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shafa Adan


    Customer service is very friendly they have great support before and after the sale I revived my delivery in about 3 days and that's the exact phone that I wanted I had. The shipping was very fast had small issue with the charger contact customer service and they send me a new charger right away I am very happy with the service I revived and will consider them for my next phone

  • en

    BOb BObensen


    My grandmothers birthday was this past week and i decided that a phone for her would be the perfect gift. I was on a low budget but i didnt want to get anything that was low quality and cheap. Finally i found cell2get and i found the phone i wanted and contacted customer service. i spoke to a representative and they were very helpful and took care of everything i needed, and best of all my grandmother loved the phone. I look forward to using cell2get in the future.

  • Isaac Maya

    Isaac Maya


    So i recently returned from my vacation to France, only to find out i had left my phone at the airport. I had called the airport repeatedly and they were not able to locate or return my phone. Since i run my own business i needed a new phone for a low price to continue working. And thats when i found cell2get. i ordered a phone from them not expecting too much. but to my surprise it came the next day, and everything was in perfect condition and packaged nicely, and it even came with a free case. i have used this phone every single day since then and it works perfectly along with the charger. i would definitely recommend you purchase from cell2get next time you need a cell.

  • en

    Damir Ubaydullaev


    I recently purchased a new phone from Cell2get. The phone was received brand new as expected and you can tell it was packed with care. After I placed the order shipping was quick and took only a couple of days. When I received the phone I realized that I had purchased the wrong phone for my carrier. I reached out to customer service and they were extremely helpful. They helped me to return the device and how to go through the whole process of packing and shipping the phone back.

  • en

    Jenny Hu


    Found this place on Google shopping having the best price on the cell phone I want to buy I called the toll free number and spoke with very nice and knowledgeable customer service agent he been very helpful and informative. Shipping arrive very fast and packaged very well. And the phone arrived just as described overall I am very happy

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