Catherine's Music Studio en Irvine

Estados UnidosCatherine's Music Studio



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35, Kempton, 92620, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 949-232-9888
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7040837, Longitude: -117.7444379

comentarios 5

  • Goldie Y

    Goldie Y


    If you are looking for a piano teacher for your daughter or son I highly recommend you to try Catherine. I can't say enough good things about her. Catherine is a talented musician that knows how to teach very well. My daughter absolutely loves her and she has learned so much since she a has started. It is such a beautiful sight when your daughter looks forward to seeing her teacher each week and see her bloom as a piano player.

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    Cherie Chu


    Ms. Catherine has been my piano teacher for twelve years, and I am glad she has been there throughout my entire journey in music. She coached me to pass the ABRSM Grade 8 Exam and is extremely talented in teaching not only piano, but also singing and music theory. She has high expectations for her students, but is patient and understanding when it comes to getting them to the level where she wants them to be. Whether I want to learn to play a difficult classic or a pop song by ear, she gives impeccable instruction on both reading sheet music and listening to chords and harmonies. The lengths she goes to in order to meet her students' needs only shows her unwavering dedication and passion for teaching. Best music teacher I've had in my life!

  • Sanchali Purandare

    Sanchali Purandare


    Catherine has been my piano teacher for the last 2 years. I have to say its been a great pleasure learning piano from her. I came from no piano background, and being an adult, I had inhibitions on being able to start learning so late in the game. However, Catherine's unique ability to tune her teaching style based on the student's interest and capabilities is incredible. She is patient, persistent and a perfectionist. She ensures every song is practiced till its perfect, cutting no corners. This includes rhythm, dynamics, and all nuances of sheet music. I'm so lucky to have found her! Performing in her amazing recitals with all the little ones gives me an immense sense of joy and accomplishment. Thanks so much Catherine for nurturing my interest in music and helping me grow!

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    Ed Thira


    I have no musical talent and never thought that I would be able to play an instrument. But I wanted to at least TRY to see if I could learn. So I searched for a local Irvine piano teacher and started taking lessons with Catherine. Her studio is in a nice house in Stonegate, which is more comfortable and inviting then at a commercial classroom. Now, I can play the piano! I’m living proof that ANYONE can learn the piano. The other day, I was at a friend’s house and sat down at their piano and played a new song. Wow! They were impressed! It was a simple piece, as I’m still a beginner, but it sounds very nice! Catherine is a very talented and experienced musician and teacher. She worked with me on my dreadful lack of rhythm and poor sight reading skills. We practiced arpeggios and rhythm to improve my proficiency. Learn how to play a series of arpeggios together and you are making beautiful music!

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    Andrew Bosma


    When my son came to me and said he wanted to learn piano I had mixed feelings. I know nothing about music but a friend of mine has two of his kids taking lessons with Ms. Catherine. Her caring attitude resonated with my son immediately and he has worked hard and is doing quite well according to her. I say that only because I know nothing about music but she is there for him whenever he needs help. She even has him send recordings of how he is doing on the occasion that he has struggled in the beginning so she can help him if he needed it. Thank you Ms. Catherine for helping him become a more rounded little man. Thank you, Andy Bosma

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