Castro Chiropractic w Pearl River

Stany ZjednoczoneCastro Chiropractic



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300, North Middletown Road, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-620-0939
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.070683, Longitude: -74.012253

komentarze 5

  • en

    Gail Cirlin-Lazerus


    I am a competitive runner and certified running coach. I literally could not do what I do without Raphael Castro. He combines his insane knowledge of sport and the body with his comfortable, funny, encouraging personality, and the result is magic. He has helped me return from injury, prevent injury , and maintain my competitive level of marathon running for years. My entire family, husband and children see him as well. He is there when I need him, and the entire office is clean, kind and comfortable. I couldn't ask for a better human on my marathon "team". Thank you Dr. Raphael Castro!

  • Victoria Uhlhorn

    Victoria Uhlhorn


    Three words. Just do it. You'll feel great after. He puts weight into your muscles and helps loosen them up. And the Theragun is reason enough to make an appointment. And a huge plus is that he is very educated/experienced in lifting and if you are a bodybuilder/powerlifter then I definitely recommend him.

  • Faith Smash

    Faith Smash


    This was my first ever chiropractic session with Dr Castro and I feel amazing. He kept me informed during the entire process, was able to help me isolate my areas of concern and recommended an after care protocol. Pain and restrictions I've felt for so long were completely gone a week later. I highly recommend getting a session with him. Especially if you've been hesitant about chiropractic care.

  • en

    Pat Hogan


    Dr. Castro was great. Very informative very professional. Great sense of humor makes you feel very comfortable.

  • en

    Jeffrey Delos Santos


    I have been going to Castro Chiropractic for just over a month now and it's been the best chiropractic experience ever. I suffered an injury about 2 years ago which led me to chiropractic care, though it did help for a little while, the injury and problems areas resurfaced and the adjustments were doing minimal work. I was referred to Dr. Castro and after the first visit I said to myself "Is that what an adjustment should feel like?" I was able to move better and even breathe better helping me be in a relaxed state of mind. He takes his time to listen to my concerns and explains what he notices in my adjustments. As of recent, I've taken my wife and my child there as well and she had the same reaction as well and she had the same reaction I did after her first adjustment. These guys do a wonderful thing for their clients and very knowledgeable. I am glad that we were referred to them. Thank you for being awesome and taking care of my family.

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