Caruso Florist i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterCaruso Florist



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1717, M Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-223-3816
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Latitude: 38.905821, Longitude: -77.039218

kommentar 5

  • Matthew Horn

    Matthew Horn


    First time using Caruso because I wanted to support a local place instead of using a national service like FTD. I ordered flowers to be delivered to a business address so one would assume the delivery would be made during business hours. Unfortunately the flowers didn't arrive on time and no attempt was made to alert me that there would be a delay. I won't be using Caruso again.

  • Serdar Jorayev

    Serdar Jorayev


    Nice and polite florist provided a great service to me. He deserves all five stars!

  • en

    Jean Ledley


    I ordered an African Violet basket with butterflies and a ribbon on the basket to be delivered on 3/31. It never arrived and on 4/1 I received an email that it had been delivered on 3/31 at 8:48am. I called teleflora and told them I had never received the flowers and the order was canceled. Half an hour later the flowers arrived with very poor looking plants and no ribbon. The delivery person told me to take them even though I told him the order was canceled. Twenty minutes later he returned and said he wanted the plants back. Not a good example of how to run a business.

  • J Rose

    J Rose


    While the interactions were friendly and professional, the quality of the flowers are very poor. I ordered a few African violets for a decorative pin that I needed to wear to an event. When I arrived the gentleman gave told me a whole story about how they were very fragile, and also made me a separate pin from fake silk flowers. I initially thought this was very nice, but what I realized was that this was a hedge because he truly knew he gave me poor flowers. The flowers weren't fragile, he just gave me flowers that were not fresh. I picked the flowers up on Friday evening, and by Saturday morning for the event, they were withered (see picture). I pretty much paid $20 for fake flowers worth $5 at most because I had to just wear the fake flowers instead of the real ones). Mind you the pin he made me only has 3 tiny flowers. It's not a big enough deal to go back and complain, I just won't do business here anymore. Additionally, I spent time looking around while I waited for the pin, and the arrangements just didn't look very nice and fresh in general. It could be the season, but I wasn't impressed with what I saw. They have a low rating for a reason. Super friendly people, but I don't recommend going here if you want quality. You could just pick up flowers from a street vendor by the metro and be just as satisfied with what you would get from here. Disappointing.

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    Renuka C


    My husband sent me flowers for a work anniversary. It was a lovely surprise but it was not even an arrangement: just 6 poor quality Tulips and a few Alstroemeria, no bow, plain vase (see photo of Tulips just 2 days after delivery). My husband didn’t even notice the flowers when I placed them on the dining room table because he thought I’d grabbed some old flowers from the grocery store! He’s so disappointed the flowers were such a flop but I’m grateful to him for the lovely gesture. We won’t be using this florist again.

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