Carthay Circle Lounge w Anaheim

Stany ZjednoczoneCarthay Circle Lounge



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Anaheim, CA 92802, USA
kontakt telefon: +1
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Latitude: 33.8073519, Longitude: -117.919011

komentarze 5

  • Mic Palero

    Mic Palero


    Stiff drinks and good service here! I never know what new drinks to try so I'm always happy to ask the servers for help. So far, they've been 5-0 with drink recommendations. It seems like the staff here is trained to look for unhappy drinkers because you can swap your drinks out if you are truly unhappy with them. A nice touch considering this is one of the more expensive places to drink (and even more expensive when you consider the time you'll spend waiting to get in) If you have reservations for Carthay Circle, o recommend checking in early to have a seat at this lounge.

  • Christine Huerta Soler

    Christine Huerta Soler


    We waited for 10 minutes to be seated in the lounge. Then, once inside, we waited another 10 minutes before getting up to leave. Only then did a server approach us and ask if we needed anything. We were very disappointed that we had a negative experience at any place of service in a Disneyland park, especially as Annual Pass holders.

  • MrMoruss78 Mo

    MrMoruss78 Mo


    Service: Great Drinks: Excellent Food: Fair Prices: Suck My main gripe is really with an order of Poke Bowl. Now before all Disneyland Fanatics jump on this, I am an annual passholder and I do love coming to Dland and DCA. As a matter of fact, I like coming to Carthay Circle. But a Poke Bowl for $24 that has, maybe, MAYBE 3 oz of fish is pretty ridiculous. Queso Fundido was fair at best. But enough about the gripes. Drinks here are strong and sophisticated. My drink of choice, their signature drink, is the Bulleit Rye whiskey concocted Carthay Manhattan Martini. It's the only drink here that can be had with the super clear ice sphere without an extra cost. Otherwise the sphere is an extra $5 dollars. The drink is about $15 but one drink is good to walk around DCA. If you're into coffee of the Irish version, Carthay's is one if the best I've had around and is absolutely something to try. Carthay is a cool place to have a drink, but for myself, I can go without the food. Cheers!

  • Nicholas Wong

    Nicholas Wong


    Very nice lounge with good selection of drinks. The food is limited (compared to the restaurant), but the options are very tasty.

  • en

    Jennifer Armijo


    My husband and I dined here last night. Beautiful restaurant! Food was excellent along with the service. Our waiter Philip was the best!

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