Carrs Fuel Station i Anchorage

Forenede StaterCarrs Fuel Station



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3411, Penland Parkway, 99508, Anchorage, Anchorage, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 907-276-1720
internet side:
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Latitude: 61.2158451, Longitude: -149.817008

kommentar 5

  • Kim Stuhlmiller

    Kim Stuhlmiller


    save on gas!

  • en

    Wendyy K.


    I like gasing up here and use my points to get up to 50¢ off per gallon. But there was a time when the pumps we're not pumping correctly and sometimes there's problems with the pin pad

  • Ellie Nicole

    Ellie Nicole


    It's quick , easy and usually the attendant provides bad service.

  • Rahilah Taylor

    Rahilah Taylor


    Small gas station easy access off of penland prkwy. It's a quick stop and shop location right outside Northway mall. No restroom but the staff is always friendly.

  • Glen Kratochvil

    Glen Kratochvil


    Quick to be in and out; no lines. It would have been better if the air compressor had an attachment on it, but I can understand why they removed it if people kept stealing it or taking it and not returning it.

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