Carousel Hair Designers en Old Bridge Township

Estados UnidosCarousel Hair Designers



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1025, U.S. 9, 08859, Old Bridge Township, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 732-727-1020
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.4538801, Longitude: -74.3003848

comentarios 5

  • dimple rochlani

    dimple rochlani


    ABSOLUTELY LOVE this place. Such a great find!. I went there for my daughter’s haircut, attentive staff, and excellent service. Shout out to TRAVIS, who works there gave me great advice and paid attention to every details with that I would definitely trust this place and give 5 starts!

  • Crystal Elise

    Crystal Elise


    Travis does hair beautifully! I am so appreciative for his skills, taking me last minute, and helping to make my maternity photos even more gorgeous! It was such a pleasure talking with you and getting pampered by you! I'll be seeing you soon🤗😍

  • en

    Sheana Hoehman


    Travis was awesome! Great hair cut and overall experience!

  • Eye Of the RavenWolf

    Eye Of the RavenWolf


    This place is absolutely AMAZING. The Monday crew is the best!!! I went into Franks salon with 3 different colors in my hair... 2 purple and one red. All washing out. I had just lost my grandmother and mother and i needed some life back in me. So Frank got to work and got me to a BEAUTIFUL Rose Gold. I will ONLY go to Carousel. You Will never see me going to anyone but Frank and his girls!!!

  • Stephanie Cunningham

    Stephanie Cunningham


    I have to give a HUGE shout out to Carousel Hair Designers in Gateway. Specifically Frank. I went in this morning with my hair FALLING OUT. Big time. I made a stupid decision and my hair was very overprocessed. He took one look at me almost in tears and got to work. Well 2 hrs later...I came out a new woman. He worked magic. Talked to me the entire time, gave me coffee, chocolate... In talking I found out we have so much in common. From the same area even. He is a joy to be around. I highly recommend this place :)

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