Carlo's Pizza Oven of Holbrook w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneCarlo's Pizza Oven of Holbrook



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480, Patchogue-Holbrook Road, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-589-7777
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Latitude: 40.7946768, Longitude: -73.0585973

komentarze 5

  • angela lavarco

    angela lavarco


    So incredibly impressed. We went for lunch and the place was a clean, quiet and had incredibly beautiful interior. The waitstaff was nice, and the food took a little longer but only because it tasted 150% fresh. I had the chicken Frances’s and the sauce was the best I’ve ever had! 10/10 would come back in a heart beat!

  • Jason M.

    Jason M.


    Excellent pizza. Clean establishment. Good location.

  • en

    Aman Bhola


    Please get some professional help. For your Food and Service.

  • Jillian M. Gallagher

    Jillian M. Gallagher


    I called in an order to pick up right before a big snow storm on my way home from work. When I arrived my order was not ready. What’s worse is they didn’t even put my order in the system I come to find out. A woman asked what I was waiting almost annoyed that I was standing there. The woman who was behind the register with a ridiculously dark tan and dark hair was incredibly nasty as if it was my fault. So she kept on with an attitude then she gave me the total, so naturally I went to get out my credit card to pay. By this time she walked away and then said it’s gonna be a few minutes for you. So I said ok would you like me to pay? And she responded with “in a minute I still need to throw this stuff in the oven”. So nasty and rude. Not only are they over priced and take forever to do delivery but now the pick up process just completely stuck nail in coffin. Never again.

  • Nan Zagger

    Nan Zagger


    Carlo’s is the best Italian restaurant around, the chicken Ala Carlo is my husband’s favorite, the stuffed artichokes so delicious. You can hardly ever find those in restaurants and they make it just like my grandma used to make. The godfather clams as an appetizer is the meal in itself the desserts so mouthwatering the lobster rolls stuffed with cannoli cream and the cannolis itself so delicious and the cheesecake oh my goodness you’d want to eat the whole cake. My family and I love to frequent this place at least once every two weeks it’s a joy to go. The wait staff is amazing the portions are huge thank you Carlo’s for wonderful meals

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