CareNow Urgent Care w Hurst

Stany ZjednoczoneCareNow Urgent Care



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779, Grapevine Highway, 76054, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-428-7300
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.8568444, Longitude: -97.1839767

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cayla Haines


    First off let me start with the 3 good things about this Care Now. 1st I web-checked in, they called me gave me a wait time of an Hour to hour 1/2 and i was called in with in that time. 2nd The nurse, I had that took me back to the room as was very nice and personable and lastly 3. The Doctor was very attentive to my issues, he could have slowed down his talking, because he did talk a mile a minute.. but he explained in detail, what were causing my symptoms, which i appreciate. The reason i gave 2 stars.. was the ladies at the check in/front desk. I understand y'all are busy and have many people that come in and out of that office, but the attitudes need to change. Before i left, they didn't verify, where i wanted my prescription sent or even give me a copy of it, once i realized that and went back in, and requested a copy of my prescription, and that i had not received one.. they were like "that can't be.. are you sure, we only have the copy, not the original" I told them that i wouldn't have come back in and asked had I had it. They told me i needed to go back to my car and bring the paperwork back in, just so they know, they didn't give it to me.... Really? I would understand that, had I been prescribed a narcotic, but it was a antibiotic and a decongestant.. After spending an extra 30 minutes, they still didn't give me a copy of my prescription and just told me they would fax it over to the pharmacy.. THEN asked me what pharmacy I used.. called the pharmacy just now... still had not received my prescription.. ugh..

  • en

    Michi J


    The staff is unprofessional. The PA seemed to giggle uncontrollably while I explained my issue. The front desk staff never communicated with me, as I watched people arrive and be taken in ahead of me. When I asked if they had the paperwork they needed for the workman's comp, they said, "yes, and oh yeah, you're next." They could also be seen laughing with my paperwork in hand. I didn't realize that my pain was such a source of amusement for them. I'll never come back to this place.... Had to wait for over two hours.

  • Angie Yarbrough

    Angie Yarbrough


    When I’m driving and call to check my daughter in, and you won’t allow to do it over the phone is a little ridiculous!!! It takes your staff maybe 2 mins to do it over the phone! I can’t type out all the information while I’m trying to be a safe driver!!! You just lost my business!

  • en

    Melissa Crone


    From the minute we walked into the office to the time we checked out the staff was very courteous and friendly. We didn't have to wait long and the doctor that saw us was very knowledgeable and considerate of not running tests that didn't need to be ran so we wouldn't have a very large bill at check out, which is usually an issue with Urgent Care in my previous experiences. I highly recommend their office to anyone needing good care in a hurry.

  • en

    Jennifer Wright


    Angela Layton was nothing short of amazing. She was the nicest and most sincere person. She made me feel like a human being and not just another patient to cross off the list. She made me feel very comfortable and took great care of me. I will be going back here for any medical needs because of her!

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