Cardinal Spine & Pain Medicine P.C. w Wappingers Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneCardinal Spine & Pain Medicine P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1323, U.S. 9, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-297-2225
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5787561, Longitude: -73.9101709

komentarze 4

  • en

    S Alexander


    If you are looking for a doctor that provides you with quality patient care, then you will love Dr. Sharma. She has exceptional bedside manners, very knowledgeable, caring and truly enjoys helping patients. I highly recommend Dr. Sharma. Call her office today and find out for yourself!

  • en

    Margaret Williams


    Dr. Sharma is a GREAT doctor!! She has been so helpful. Very knowledgeable and understanding. She truly cares about her patients. I would recommend anyone to her.

  • Randy Watson

    Randy Watson


    Had one appointment for spine/back pain. She prescribed an mri. Great. At the follow up appointment she said i had a "beautiful spine" and there was nothing wrong in the mri that she could see. Seemed like good news. I was going through some paperwork at home and found the radiologist's review of the mri. I noticed that it said there was a hemangioma, a type of tumor, in my spine. It's not a cancer, but it is a tumor in the same area as my pain. I sent her an email, asking her office for a refund, but didn't get a response. I called the office and was told that the doctor did not feel i deserved a refund because she didn't think the tumor on my spine was worth mentioning. These tumors can cause serious problems, including cracked vertebrae. She would not even refund my $40 copay. I feel that i did not get adequate care, but had to pay full price anyway. Either she didn't read the radiologist's review or she purposely did not tell her patient about a tumor on their the exact area they have been having pain for 15 years!

  • David Nakano

    David Nakano


najbliższy Zdrowie

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