Capri Advisory, LLP w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCapri Advisory, LLP



🕗 godziny otwarcia

34-18, Northern Boulevard, 11101, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-920-7716
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7519846, Longitude: -73.9291718

komentarze 4

  • Janice Morocho

    Janice Morocho


    I am glad to say that working with the team (Giovanni, Jason & Eugene) at Capri Advisory has been an exceptional experience. They helped me choose the RIGHT Business entity for my company and are providing accounting services (Bookkeeping, Payroll and tax advices on production) to my growing company. The team here are innovators and production minded CPAs and EA that have really helped me understand the different kinds of taxes and other business aspects to keep things in order. I continue to use services from Capri Advisory and highly recommend this firm to all growing companies.

  • en

    Roland Galeano


    I was very happy with the service from Capri for my tax return. I really felt they went above and beyond to make sure I got the best return possible. They are a fantastic company and wonderful people especially Jason and Eugene.

  • en

    Minjung Mary Jane Kim


    I am very happy to be leaving this review for Capri Advisory. Jason, Eugene & Giovanni were all very helpful with my tax return. Because my family's return included the sale of real estate, as well as a few business returns, we did not feel comfortable filing on our own. Luckily, Capri did a great job taking care of everything for us. They even took the time to carefully explain everything so that we weren't kept in the dark. I am glad I found this firm, and will continue to use their services. I recommend Capri to anybody who has any questions at all about their tax returns!

  • en

    Maria Lame


najbliższy Księgowość

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