Capitol Park Café w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneCapitol Park Café



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1119, 9th Street, 95814, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-441-5361
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.5788369, Longitude: -121.4953914

komentarze 5

  • en

    Richard Silver


    Have been in there for almost 15 years and went in yesterday to have lunch just to see if it was still there. To my surprise it was and it hasn't changed a bit still same good food still same low prices unfortunately all new staff the others have retired. A real hang out for the few people that still live in downtown Sacramento plus a few of The Outsiders at work downtown friendly and about as homie as you can get in this day and age. Strongly recommended at least once after all where can you get ham and eggs three eggs, with hash browns and coffee offer about 7 Bucks

  • Mark Rosenberg

    Mark Rosenberg


    This hidden gem offers comfort food at a bargain price.

  • Rob Wurgler

    Rob Wurgler


    My regular weekly breakfast joint. An actual old school diner with the cast of characters to match. While it lacks in fine pleasantries, the staff and regulars are the real deal and they make this place what it is. Affordable prices, too.

  • AvidTeaDrinker63 #

    AvidTeaDrinker63 #


    Looking for a good place to eat? This is your place. Great food and very nice employees. Seats are comfortable and service is good. Make sure you eat the ham and eggs breakfast on Sundays.

  • en

    Kyle McMakin


    I love this place! I moved away 2 years ago and had been coming here for years before moving. Whenever we come back to visit, our group of friends go here and it's like walking into Cheers. The waitresses are very friendly and remember our names and orders (even after 2 years). The food is great, classic breakfast food, with good portions at a great price. The decor has not been updated in a long time, but I think this adds to the charm.

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