Canyon View Elementary School w Irvine

Stany ZjednoczoneCanyon View Elementary School


brak informacji

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12025, Yale Court, 92620, Irvine, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 949-936-6900
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.726725, Longitude: -117.754391

komentarze 5

  • Gregor Tomovic

    Gregor Tomovic


    Best school ever. So many good teachers and always going to be a good school

  • Aisha Majmundar

    Aisha Majmundar


    I went to Canyon View for 5th and 6th grade (from 2014-2016) and I had Mrs. Condon and Mrs. Morada, and they both were super nice, and overall were pretty good teachers. Even though the teachers are good, the campus is kind of old, and I always thought that they should improve the play area for the younger kids. There is always room for improvement.

  • Jason Gaming

    Jason Gaming


    The best school you could probably go to. The reason why you should go to this school is because the teachers are on task and they are very strict on things. They punish students with minors if they are bad. But the problem is, kids at the lunch tables are acting immature and disrespectful. As a 5th grader myself, I would personally think people who need help are at this school. My current teacher is Jenina Morada and she is the best teacher ever. I would like Canyon View to improve on these problems. Thanks.

  • Gavin Hardison

    Gavin Hardison


    the students at this school made fun of my son because he was fat, black and gay. terrible school.

  • gvwing



    Great elementary school to start your kids off and get them on their way towards college. My kids excelled here... It's why we moved to Irvine, CA!

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