Cancos Tile w East Northport

Stany ZjednoczoneCancos Tile



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1992, Jericho Turnpike, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-499-7801
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8381026, Longitude: -73.3293381

komentarze 4

  • en

    Jackie Nash


    Pete was the best salesman ever! He worked closely with us on 4 projects making suggestions, getting us the samples we need and ensuring delivery was prompt each time. Definitely recommend!

  • Rebecca Andersen

    Rebecca Andersen


  • Jackie Karnofsky

    Jackie Karnofsky


    Thank you to Northport Cancos especially to Pete the manerger . l had a lot of work done to my home , 2 bathrooms remodeled , my kitchen and quartz window sill in my living room . Pete helped me right to the end of my big project , he was very professional ,approachable and informable . A special thank you to Pete . All the staff were amazing and very kind and cheerful . l truly enjoyed working with this team at Northport Cancos . My project came out absolutely beautiful and l rate them a 10 + they take the extra step and l will recommend them highly 😀👏 thank you again . Jackie K

  • Derek P

    Derek P


    After visiting several tile stores for a bathroom remodel and having negative experiences, we took a chance and visited this Cancos. We were very pleased... we worked with Joe Bianco, who was tremendously helpful throughout the entire project. He helped us pick out the perfect wall & floor tiles; his color suggestions for tiles and grout were spot on, and he wasn't afraid to tell us when an idea we had was not the best. It was our first tile job and we were doing it ourselves, so Joe gave us many practical tips and answered the many questions we had. After completing the purchase we went back and called several times with questions, and each time he was patient and answered everything. When we had an issue with one of the boxes of tiles, he rectified it quickly. He worked with us past closing time one day, and kept the store open on another day while I rushed there for something I needed immediately for the project. Others that we spoke to in the store were also friendly and helpful. Highly recommend!!

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