Campanella Fence w Mahopac

Stany ZjednoczoneCampanella Fence



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289, U.S. 6, 10541, Mahopac, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-628-2200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.3545204, Longitude: -73.7472832

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nancy fay


    They did a great job installing a new fence and repairing an old one. Also they installed a hurricane part on my pvc fence and even after the tornado last week..not one panel,came out! Very happy with their work.

  • en

    liz Oliveri


    We just had our fence replaced after the crazy March storm and could not be happier. The level of service, professionalism, follow-up, speed, expertise and final product is amazing! Paul, the office staff and the onsite crew were all fantastic. They gave us great ideas and the final product is perfect. Would recommend them to anyone!

  • en

    Candy Cushing


    My railings are exquisite! Yes, excellent craftsmanship is a delight to behold. I did extensive research and vetting before deciding upon Campanella. David's knowledge of design and installation made this an easy project - for me. I would use Campanella again in a nanosecond. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Claire Frieder


    They were great to work with and I am so thankful that I found them! I heard they were more expensive than others but they weren't and their product and their staff were attentive to our fencing needs. We have been very happy with the product they sold us and our dog is now protected from any wildlife that could come his way! Thanks Campanella!

  • en

    Sam McCabe


    Campanella did an excellent job on our fence! They were really easy to deal with and the owner Tony is very nice, honest, and accommodating. Tony met us at the house we were buying to measure the area for fence. I appreciated that he, the owner, came out to initially meet a prospective customer. Tony told us they were a month out on installs and that we would likely have to wait. As luck would have it, the day we moved into our new house I got a call from someone in their office to say the fence would be installed the next day! We were beyond happy (and surprised). The install was smooth and the crew was great. We will def use Campanella Fence again -- when we fence in the front of our property.

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