Camille Russell Law Offices w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneCamille Russell Law Offices


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400, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-876-9300
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.762795, Longitude: -73.586461

komentarze 3

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  • en

    Connie Chin


    On April 20, 2018 at 12:07 pm you called my cell phone and stated that you are calling for more information on the child support. I thought you were genuinely calling me from the child support offices and spoke with you, during the conversation it seemed as if you were being biased, then you said specifically "i don't know him to be that kind of person" that's when i realized you were NOT calling from the child support office!! That's when i realized you were my soon to be ex-husband's lawyer! i called my lawyer immediately and related the conversation and she told me that a statement as such should not have been said if you were indeed calling from the child support office, how would you have known him???? she further stated that you should have disclosed who you are and what you were calling about! I find this action very unscrupulous and discrediting for someone as yourself in such a capacity. You had me divulge information to you that should not have been discussed with you seeing that you are representing him! Your action earlier today was extremely of low character and very degrading!! I am very disappointed that you went to such an extent to get me to speak with you... i had to give a 1 star to place my comment here, otherwise you don't deserve anything! You are representing my soon to be ex-husband, you should have disclosed who you are and why you were calling me!!! one word to describe your action... DISGUSTING!

  • en

    Crystal Dugan


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