Cambridge Brewing Company w Cambridge

Stany ZjednoczoneCambridge Brewing Company



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Kendall Square, 02139, Cambridge, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-494-1994
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3663622, Longitude: -71.0911676

komentarze 5

  • Jaye Aster Broder

    Jaye Aster Broder


    Nice large space would be good for happy hours of moderately sized groups. We enjoyed trying the flight of beers. The ‘taste the rainbow’ tastes more like juice or kombucha. We liked the IPAs. We did not try any of the food here but it seemed consistent with Cambridge pub food. I’d come back here. CBC would be better if the flight tasting cards were designed so that the labels were wide enough to actually align with the beers (right now there is a CBC logo that is a bit unnecessary and takes up space). The menu also list types of glasses rather than volume for the beers, which can be difficult to interpret. There are two doors to get to the bathroom so you have to use your hands to open the second door. It would be nice if they either put a trash can near the door to open with a paper towel and discard or a foot pull to reduce exposure if other people haven’t washed their hands as thoroughly

  • Kallen Tu

    Kallen Tu


    At night, fish of the day was out. The beers and cider were pretty good, but on a windy, rainy night, the inside seats were actually fairly cold. We had to wait around 40 minutes to get a large table. The miso salmon tasted pretty good, although the portion was a tad small.

  • Jea Kim

    Jea Kim


    Good place to get basic pub foods and beer. Came here on a weekday after work. I've had CBC beers from other restaurants in the area, and my friends and I decided to check them out. The patio was almost full, so we grabbed one of the tables inside which was essentially empty at the time. We got the Thai Curry fried chicken sandwich and the fried calamari with their in-house beers. Compared to other popular pubs in Boston, the food here was a bit lacking. Calamari wasn't very crispy and the fried chicken sandwich was also a bit dry. Nevertheless, they are still a decent option if you're looking to grab a drink and their in-house beers are solid.




    Loved the friday night ambience. The beer was good, a large collection to chose from. The rose was also good. We tried the calamari for starter which was delicious. The pepperoni mushroom pizza was upto the mark. Also liked the flourless chocolate cake. Will come back soon.

  • Sonia



    After a morning exploring the Charles River, Boston University and MIT we decided to take a break and stop for an appetizer and beer at Cambridge Brewing Company. We enjoyed the beers we picked (Charles River Porter & Little Saisonstein) but the eggplant fries we absolutely our top pick. They were fresh, locally sourced and cooked to perfection. Good service, good food & beer and great atmosphere! Totally recommend this restaurant.

najbliższy Bar

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