California Dental Group w Bellflower

Stany ZjednoczoneCalifornia Dental Group


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

10106, Alondra Boulevard, 90706, Bellflower, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 562-867-5117
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8891604, Longitude: -118.1197419

komentarze 5

  • Victor Lomeli

    Victor Lomeli


    Terrible service the workers are so lazy it takes them a month for a appointment and when that appointment comes they take hours for the doctor to see me such a terrible place I really don’t recommend it

  • dzy hernandez

    dzy hernandez


    I don't like that I settled for this dentist office, they really don't help you out if you have a tooth emergency, they have you going back and forth saying that the insurance hasn't approved of the procedure, the dentist that does this certain procedure is only here on Mondays, I feel like they keep giving me the run around, I got an appointment to come in today at 9am, I arrive then they say that the dentist that I'm suppose to see is not here. I didn't want to judge this dentist office based on the reviews I've been seeing. Now the staff is saying if I want the procedure done quicker, it would be a good idea to pay out of pocket. I had a feeling that comment would come up. Very dissatisfied and disappointed with this place.

  • Ashley Avalos

    Ashley Avalos


    This place deserves 0 stars. I just went a couple hours ago and the office lady was extremely rude do not recommend this place at all. She wasn’t professional and staff there is just rude please do not go.

  • Brandon Garrett

    Brandon Garrett


    Dr hannah is truly the best dentist I ever had I always hated the thought of going to the dentist but with her its different the environment and her team are amazing and friendly the care she takes with every patient is remarkable especially a scary cat like myself the pain is mild to non at all her work is truly something special and I'm proud to call her my dentist if u looking for someone that's willing to work with u for the best results look no further then Dr H

  • Darren Galindo

    Darren Galindo


    A decent place to get your teeth checked on. I've experienced nicer places both aesthetically and professionally. There is nothing really bad about this place, just not as modern and finely tuned. They are very helpful here and their location is extremely convenient for me, and their hours compliment any working schedule.

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