Calian Dental Group w White Plains

Stany ZjednoczoneCalian Dental Group



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445, Hamilton Avenue, 10601, White Plains, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-202-2133
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0348843, Longitude: -73.7647571

komentarze 5

  • Michelle Leopold

    Michelle Leopold


    There is no better dentist on the planet to have any kind of dental work done now or ever! I’ve been a patient of Dr. Eric Calian‘s for many years. He has always provided me with top notch care and treatment. He gave both me and my mother full smile makeovers. Not only did he give my mother a full smile makeover, but he put the smile back on her face! It’s truly an art to improve somebody smile the way he has. He’s simply the best of the best. Dr. Calian cares about his patients in getting perfect results, being the perfectionist and artist he is. Dr. Calian is sensitive to the very real fears that many people have about dental procedures. He and his staff are excellent in making you feel calm and relaxed. His assistant is awesome. She is sweet, gentle and extremely helpful in putting his patients at ease. The front desk staff always greets us with a big hello and smile! Carla the office manager is fabulous! She Is a warm, friendly caring professional who goes out of her way to make things run smooth and perfect. She cares about the patients as if they were her own. Big big thank you to Dr. Calian and the entire staff. You are all rockstars!

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    charlie nardone


    My experience at Calian Dental is always excellent. Dr. Calian's workmanship is unparalleled in the industry - this is well known. What makes the practice so terrific though is the trust you feel - the Dr.'s way of making you feel like you are being treated by your own family member. The staff is courteous, knowledgeable and professional. Outstanding.

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    Cathy Nichols


    They are so freaking awesome I never felt any pain. Five stars for the CD Group. I just had a root canal done and I feel so good I want to go out and party.

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    C. Acosta


    Love the office from the moment I got there. 3 things are of most importance to me at a Dental office. Cleanliness, professionalism and high quality care. This office well deserves 5 stars. The front desk is very friendly and informative. Jillian is great with explaining treatment and made me feel comfortable and right at home. Dr. Calian and his associates are very knowledgeable and provide patients with exceptional treatment. Love the spa feel of the office and it's nice to have the option to watch tv!

  • Alyssa Bassett

    Alyssa Bassett


    Overall, a great experience! The office itself has a calm atmosphere and is very clean. Upon arrival I was greeted and checked in quickly. My hygienist made my retainer impression painless and easy. My appointment was finished within 20 minutes or so. I will definitely return here for future dental visits. Great office, pleasant appointment.

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