Caked Up Cafe w New City

Stany ZjednoczoneCaked Up Cafe



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40, South Main Street, 10956, New City, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-499-2929
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.146057, Longitude: -73.989472

komentarze 5

  • Stephanie Louis

    Stephanie Louis


    worst customer service!!!!! my close friend called in to get a cake baked for a birthday and they lied and told her a 6 inches cake would feed 10-15 people. I heard about this and had to write a review to warn anyone that is even considering to order from this place. I over heard the lousy excuse Kevin was giving to my friend about making changes and also how sure he was the cake would feed up to 15 people. Unprofessional, immature, and PETTY!! why would you wait 2 hours before my friend was suppose to pick up a cake to cancel her order? definitely will NOT EVER TRY THIS PLACE because of this experience. Carousal cakes for the Win!

  • en

    cynthia R


    writing reviews are a way a business can see ways to make a situation better for a customer. you would think Kevin ( the owner and manager) would have done this... instead.. he called me 2 hours before i was suppose to pick up my cake to tell me he cant do my cake because of the review i wrote previously. First off the review was my experience it was the truth and it was something i feel anyone who looks this place up should know; you as a business owner kevin should know it is in your power to make a review change instead of ruining a birthday and hanging up the phone? nonetheless i was able to make last minute changes and go else where if you are in the area visit carousel cakes. Susan is sweet and willing to help, make last minute changes and make last minute orders. They also dont lie about how much their cake feeds! (they also make personal 6inch cakes that are suitable for about 5 people )

  • Cee Ro

    Cee Ro


    The manager Kevin is not considerate at all. I called them two days before my order was scheduled for pick up to ask if the cake stand I ordered would fit the cake i ordered, only to find out that the cake was only 6 inches!!!!! how the heck am I supposed to feed 15-20 ppl with a small cake? As a first time buyer I would think that the business will take into consideration my concern and be a bit more accommodating being that the cake wasn’t even made yet. his response was that “it was too much work”. I understand that there are policies but I was not canceling my order simply making a minor change to make the cake 2inches bigger. (which again wasn’t even made yet). If someone is investing in your business the worst thing you could do is not please your clients. Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

  • Sherin Jacob

    Sherin Jacob


    I ordered a birthday theme cake (Poppy from the movie Trolls). The cake was super cute and was soooo delicious! I have a pink velvet with cream cheese filling- sooo amazingly good. I definitely recommend this place !!

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    Anthony Kollar


    Caked Up! Is the BEST!!! Denise, Kevin & everyone there are sooo friendly. Cakes and cupcakes are delicious, always moist. Constant new flavors and creations (dough in a jar, huge pieces of coffeecake.. to name a few). You will not regret going there ... Only your waistline if you go too much...

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