Caffe Buon Gusto w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneCaffe Buon Gusto



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4572, Manhattan College Parkway, 10471, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-601-3838
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.889217, Longitude: -73.899956

komentarze 5

  • en

    Madyoli Lorenzo


    It’s a good place! I love the outdoor it’s beautiful. Service was great as food too... It’s is a good place for private party.. Lot’s of choices on pasta love it.

  • Ralph Valente

    Ralph Valente


    Great neighborhood place. Prices are reasonable. Service sluggish. Food needs to improve a bit. That said, worth going to.

  • Daniel Rosenbaum

    Daniel Rosenbaum


    This place has some work to do, but it's not bad and it has promise. We were here on a rainy day and the ambiance is fine, but the outdoor garden space looks nice and would be a great place to have a drink or two and a few appetizers. The food just isn't that good. We were a party of 7 and tried a variety of entrees and appetizers. Though nothing was bad, the food really lacked any originality and flavor. Most items were fairly bland. The grilled octopus was surprisingly very good. The pastas (veal tortellini and some other shrimp dish) were mostly flavorless. Service was fine, albeit a tad amateur. Not a bad experience by any means, but has some work to do if they expect to last in this slightly off the main drag location.

  • en

    Marc Molomot


    This is such a fabulous addition to the neighborhood! We have eaten here a few times, and each time the food was cooked with such care. The ambiance is lovley, and I cannot wait to have a meal in the amazing garden!! Owners are really interesting, and kind, and have put together a great staff!

  • en

    B M


    Went for brunch and had a terrible experience. Our food took over an hour and was not what we ordered. When we told the staff we were informed that the menu was not correct. Still, we were left with something completely different from what we had wanted. It was bland, and overpriced. There was also a club meeting taking place in the restaurant while we were there, so we were unable to talk without being shushed. The restaurant was clearly not equipped to handle any volume. Hands down the worst brunch experience I have ever had.

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